Inside Watkinsville antique store Attic Treasures Antiques you’ll find Native American Indian artifacts for sale like arrowheads, spear points, stone axes, pipes, and effigies.
The original native tribes of Georgia include the Apalachee, Cherokee, Hitchiti, Oconee, Miccosukee, Muskogee Creek, Timucua, Yamasee, and Guale Indians.
Stone tools
Spearheads and arrowheads are commonly found throughout Georgia and are a testament to the skill of ancient Native American Indian hunters going back thousands of years. They’re generally made from quartz, flint, or other hard stone that can be flaked to form a sharp and durable edge. Once made, they were attached the spear or arrow with a binding.
Stone axes were formed more by polishing the stone into the desired shape. Native Americans used them to chop and split wood, but also as weapons.

Tobacco was originally discovered by Native Americans and introduced to European settlers when they arrived. While pipes of the Plains Indians are generally made with a wooden stem joined with a carved stone bowl, the Cherokee favored one-piece stone and ceramic pipes. Calumets, or “peace pipes,” were often used in pipe ceremonies – whether religious or to seal a treaty or agreement.
Pottery pieces are some of the oldest surviving elements of Native American culture. The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians has the longest continuing pottery tradition on their own land of any tribe in the United States, going back three thousand years. Made from clay and pinched or spun, pottery was used for storage and food preparation.
Indians also produced stone effigies which are quite rare. They believed that possessing a representation of a person or animal gave you some of the qualities of the animal or person. Ones found in Georgia include figurines made of clay and stone.

Native American Indian artifacts for sale at Watkinsville antique store Attic Treasures Antiques range from common and inexpensive arrowheads to much rarer examples of Indian craftwork. We have some wonderful examples of stone pipes that are quite artistic.